A PETITION signed by more than 70 residents of on a Darlington estate will be presented to the council today, objecting to plans for more homes.

Miller Homes North-East wants to build on land at Snipe House Farm, Snipe Lane, on the Skerne Park estate.

But residents of Arkle Crescent fear that any development would lead to extra traffic and the loss of designated green belt land

Douglas Hopkins, 72, said: "Everyone bar one has signed the petition, which explains our major concerns about the development.

"Our biggest fears are the environmental effect to the area with the possible loss of wildlife. This land is the only bit of open space we have in the estate and it would be a shame to lose it."

Mother-of-one Ann McVenea, 46, who collected the signatures for the petition, said she feared for the safety of children on the estate.

"There was a child knocked down only last week. We don't need any more traffic. We have enough as it is.

"My ten-year-old son plays on the land outlined in the plans. It is totally safe and parents don't have to worry about where their children are.

"If houses were built on this land there would be nowhere else for the children to play."

Ward councillor Don Bristow said he would be keeping the residents informed and said that a similar, unsuccessful application had been lodged four years ago by Haslam Homes.

A spokesman for Darlington Borough Council said consultation would take place until the end of the month. Plans are on display in the town hall.

A spokeswoman for Miller Homes said she could not reveal any further details of the company's plans.