THE founder of an international aid charity is being taken to court for non-payment of rates.

Rod Jones, 52, is being prosecuted by landlords, Middlesbrough Council, for arrears of £146.10 owed on a shop he leases as a collecting point for supplies bound for Romania.

While neighbouring local authority, Stockton Borough Council, gives him 100 per cent rate relief on the base he uses in that town, Middlesbrough Council will only give him 80 per cent rate relief on the empty shop on Gresham Road, Middlesbrough, which he runs as a store-house.

The council says the founder of Convoy Aid must provide the 20 per cent balance on his bill himself. Mr Jones, who lives on state benefits, says he cannot.

Convoy Aid is registered in Romania, and Mr Jones insists he has furnished Middlesbrough Council with an English translation of the registration documents and summary of accounts.

A Middlesbrough Council spokesman said: "We have repeatedly asked Mr Jones for information that would allow us to give him full rate relief. He won't or cannot provide it."

The spokesman said the council had already bent the rules for Mr Jones, aware that his charity was registered in Romania and not in the UK. "Our certified accounts are in Romania," said Mr Jones. "I have nothing to hide.