FRIGHT NIGHT: If you haven't had the fright of your life yet, then you haven't been to see the latest Hannibal Lecter blockbuster. The man with the strange taste in food and wine is back on our screens in what has been billed as the most horrific and gory movie of the year. Sir Anthony Hopkins has breathed evil into Hannibal the Cannibal for the second time but instead of Judy Foster, he is joined by Julianne Moore, as Clarice Starling. The film, which introduces another cannibal who is even more evil than Hannibal, took more than £40m at the US box office last weekend. There have been reports of people fainting and running out of cinemas at the horrific scenes in the film as the two cannibals try to outwit each other and the FBI. And if that is not enough, Sir Anthony has expressed interest in bringing the cannibal to life for another film next year. Hannibal has just gone on general release here, so get yourself along to the cinema and prepare to be truly frightened by one of the most hotly anticipated films of the year.

GLITZY WATCH: Diamonds are a girls best friend, especially when they are joined by emeralds and gold in the world's most expensive watch. The Piaget bracelet watch is crafted in the form of a shark and features 129 diamonds and 142 emeralds. It is the world's first £1m watch and is available for everyone to see, by going on-line. Pop star Phil Collins has reportedly asked to see the watch because he wants to buy his wife Orianne Cevey a special gift - but no one knows if he has actually forked out the money yet. The watch is currently the only one of its kind and can be bought from an exclusive jewellers in Bond Street, London. Piaget has already made, less expensive, watches for Sophia Loren, Mariah Carey, Sharon Stone, Uma Thurman and Robin Williams. The company only produce ten "high jewellery" pieces every year so even their less expensive pieces are highly exclusive. To find out more about wearing £1m on your wrist log onto

WHOLE TRUTH: Television golden couple Richard and Judy are about to tell-all, having signed a £500,000 book deal. For those who care, the book will reveal the truth behind Richard's shoplifting charges and Judy's health worries. But more worrying are the revelations about how the couple met when they were both married.

Supposedly, we will learn how they could not keep their hands off each other and eventually left their partners to set up together. Anyone who has watched This Morning will find it hard to believe there was ever any passion between the pair who can talk about hysterectomies and baking, with equal sincerity. They have fronted the show for 12 years and there are no plans for them to move off that sofa. If we are to be subjected to this book, let's hope some real questions are answered - like is Richard as patronising at home as on screen and why doesn't Judy force him to have a much-needed make-over?

NAFF GIFTS: The worst thing you could have bought your bloke this Valentine's Day was silky boxer shorts or a huge padded card. A survey commissioned by online gift service Enjoyment shows men also hate socks, cheap after-shave, a compilation CD of love songs and even want to run a mile from a romantic meal for two. The survey also reveals women do not take kindly to cuddly toys, cheap chocolates or naff jewellery. True to type, the men said they would like a pair of football tickets or a good old-fashioned home-cooked meal.

TIGHT FIT: Fashion has never been that concerned with comfort - platform shoes, drain-pipe trousers, mini skirts - and now old fashioned corsets are making a comeback. The tummy-nipping garments have been a huge hit on the international catwalks this year and, as with all catwalk trends, it won't be long until we will be asked to try out the style by the High Street stores. Whether you want to wear your corset as under or outerwear, you are going to have to suffer for the hourglass look.

First, there is attempting to get into the corset and, remember, all that flab has to go somewhere. You will have to struggle to do up lots of hooks and eyes and then choose between an inflated chest or a exaggerated bottom. Madonna tried to make corsets sexy in the 1990s but, luckily, without success, we can only hope they fail to make their mark this time around.