AN Internet website has been launched by the Darlington Learning Town project.

The site,, has been created mainly for the thousands of adults in the town who are eligible to take part in the Passport to Learning scheme.

Everyone is invited to take part through a learning experience at one of the town's colleges, or at a variety of cultural centres in Darlington.

The website will chronicle the passport's progress through the year, from the launch on March 2, to an awards ceremony in December which might mark the end of the scheme.

However, it is hoped that the project will continue in 2002, and that the website will keep the world up to date for as long as the Passport to Learning is active.

The website is hosted by CommuniGate, a community project affiliated to The Northern Echo.

As a Learning Town partner, The Northern Echo was happy to offer its services and will maintain the site for the duration of the initiative.

Alison Nicholson, head of the CommuniGate project, said: "The Passport to Learning scheme is a great idea and an excellent opportunity for people who have been out of education for some time to get back into learning."