POLICE are appealing for witnesses after a robber jumped out of a car and stole money from a young woman.

The incident happened yesterday afternoon at the junction of Milton Street and Ruby Street, Saltburn, east Cleveland, when the 19-year-old girl was walking across the road.

A white car, possibly a Vauxhall Nova, with two men in it, pulled up alongside her.

One of the men jumped out of the car and pushed her to the ground.

He stole her purse containing cash and personal items, and a radio she had just bought.

The man then jumped back in the car, and the vehicle drove off at speed towards St Hilda's Place.

The man is described as about 21-years-old, 5ft 9in to 5ft 10in, of slim build, with blond hair.

He was wearing a Nike baseball cap, a white knitted jumper with Kickers written across the chest, and dark-coloured jogging bottoms.

A spokesman for Cleveland Police said the girl, of North Skelton, east Cleveland, was badly shaken by her ordeal, but unhurt.

Anyone with information is asked to call PC Paul Davies at Saltburn police on (01642) 302627.