FOUR prostitutes were attacked at knifepoint by the same man, a court was told yesterday.

Paul Kennedy, 38, picked them up in his 4x4 Vauxhall and then demanded money from them, Teesside Crown Court heard yesterday.

Paul Worsley, QC, prosecuting, said that the first attack in Middlesbrough's red light district was on a 19-year-old vice girl in December 1999.

He is alleged to have put tape over her eyes and held the knife to her throat before having sex with her. Then he demanded £40 back and grabbed another £80 tucked in her left boot.

Mr Worsley told a jury that Mr Kennedy carried out similar knife attacks on the other three women last year.

Mr Kennedy, of Manor Drive, Featherstone, a divorced lorry driver from Pontefract, is said to have driven to the red light area on trips to Hartlepool, the court heard.

He denies raping and robbing two of the women, indecent assault and attempting to rob a third and robbing the other.

The trial continues.