THE normal 46m kg wool clip could be down by 15pc this year because of foot-and-mouth disease.

The large number of culled sheep, together with the fact that wool cannot be collected from infected areas, will lead to the cut in production.

The new wool season began officially on Tuesday and collections will be made from areas not infected by foot-and-mouth.

A code of practice has been drawn up by the British Wool Marketing Board in consultation with MAFF and copies will be sent to all sheep producers.

The code states:

l wool will only be handled with farmers' agreement;

l all vehicles moving wool must carry out authorised cleaning and disinfection procedures and all staff handling the wool will be required to change clothing and footwear and follow disinfection procedures before leaving work;

l wool sheets, either new or which have been in store for three months, will be available from a grading depot or haulier's premises and can be collected by producers or delivered to farm gates in sealed packages;

l after shearing, wool can be delivered by individual producers to a depot, haulier's premises, or a collection point (not farm premises) and from there by haulier to the wool grading depot where it will be graded and packed in new, dry containers and stored for a period of a least two months before delivery to a buyer.

Scientific studies have shown that the foot and mouth virus is eliminated from wool after a period of storage.

Producers will be paid for their wool in the normal way but those whose sheep have been culled, should inform the board's registration department and arrangements will be made to pay the balance.