PEOPLE who thought they would enjoy a relaxing bank holiday at Nature's World, in Middlesbrough, were in for a surprise when they were given the opportunity to learn more about the US's favourite sport.

American football is becoming increasingly popular in this country, but the sport has yet to catch on in the North-East - despite the fact that the national finalists are the Eastbourne Eagles - a team from Darlington.

About 40 youngsters turned up to the Middlesbrough tourist attraction and found themselves learning the rules of the game, while some people allowed others to do the hard work and just sat back and watched the demonstrations.

There are four teams playing in the Teesside area, and they are keen to boost the profile and image of the sport, and encourage younger people to consider taking it up.

Eric Clark, from Nature's World, said: "Everyone enjoyed it, we have had a really great day. It was the first time our amphitheatre has been used for sport and we have has a lot of people taking part and watching. Some people had never seen the sport before, but some of the kids are interested in carrying on with it.

"It has been a really brilliant day, it's probably been our best day for visitors of the year so far.