Q I am now 85 and my son, aged 54, gets benefits as he is unable to work due to disability. I would like to leave him most of my assets, but his friends have told him that if I do he will have to pay it all over to repay past benefits. Is this so?

A Definitely not. Some benefits are affected by capital but only from the date it becomes available. It cannot affect past entitlement.

Q I know that if I go to Australia my State pension will be frozen. But what happens to it if I come back after a few years?

A When you get back you get the most recent annual pension increase, but not previous ones you missed.

Q Our Retirement Pension is £133.51 per week and I have Industrial Injuries of £11.29 a week and Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for mobility and care. Our two sons live with us. What Council Tax should I be paying?

A Only about £44 a year after a rebate. As you have DLA for care, your sons are not treated as contributing to the Council Tax.

Q I am 85 and live alone. I have Attendance Allowance but no one gets benefit for looking after me. This apart, my Retirement Pension is £73.83 and I have works pensions of £235.78 a month. My savings have dwindled to about £4,000. Can I get help with my rent or Council Tax?

A Most certainly. You should have Minimum Income Guarantee of £5.65 a week and full rebates on your rent and Council Tax.

Q My father was paying for himself in a care home until his savings fell below £16,000 and he got help from the social services and DSS. Now the home has raised the charges to £375 a week. Social services will not pay the difference and say father cannot pay it out of his savings. They say I must pay. Is this right?

A Yes. These top-up payments will only be accepted from third parties.

Q When I was self-employed I paid Class 4 National Insurance based on my profits. What benefits will they help me to qualify for?

A Precisely none.