A SCHOOL rowing club pushed the boat out to celebrate the launch of its racing fleet.

St Leonard's RC Comprehensive School Boat Club, in Durham City, has completed its fleet, thanks to an £8,000 grant from the Foundation for Sport and the Arts.

The award with funds raised by parents and supporters, and donations, has paid for the last four boats.

The coxed four, double scull and two single sculls were named by Durham City MP Gerry Steinberg, yesterday.

Since the club was founded in 1970, it has gone from strength to strength, and has a record of success in local, national and international competitions.

It is top of the National Junior League for the tenth consecutive year, with 122 regatta and head wins. Last month, it had five crews representing the North-East at the Inter-Regional Championships, in London.

Rowing coach Bill Parker said: "Using the new equipment, the boys and girls, along with Durham University, hope to do the school and the North-East proud."