SUNDERLAND is celebrating the launch of its sixth Single Regeneration Budget (SRB) programme.

The latest round of Government funding was worth £10.5m, £9m of which will go to Thorney Close Plains Farm, Grindon, Farringdon and Springwell.

The other £1.5m will fund a city-wide community building initiative and exchange of good practice.

The scheme was launched by the Mayor of Sunderland, Councillor Brian Dodds, and included the opening of the area's only job-seeking, training and information shop.

Grindon Action Technology Enterprise Shop (Gates) has been moved using SRB and Sunderland City Council funds.

Louise Wilson, assistant SRB coordinator, said: "We've only moved Gates two doors down from its original premises, but this will make a significant difference to the services delivered there."

She said new services would include improved education and training facilities such as an electronic village hall, community rooms for local resident groups and increased job-seeking opportunities.