GARAGES and sheds are being targeted in a "mini-crimewave" that is sweeping an area.

During the past six or seven months, the number of break-ins to garages, sheds and outhouses in the Woodside area of Ormesby, Middlesbrough, has steadily increased.

In the past two weeks, there have been about half-a-dozen. In total, an estimated £2,000 worth of damage has been caused.

The Woodside Housing Association is now seeking estimates from security firms in a bid to keep the burglars out.

Its secretary, John Wilson, said it has already spent a fortune on expensive measures. "We do not know how they have got in, because a few years ago we spent about £1,000 on garage door locks," he said.

"We have also built a two metre metal fence, which cost more than £20,000.

"There are 15 garages and each one would have to be individually alarmed.

"If the estimates come back as outrageous figures, we will not be able to pay.

"We would rather spend the money on giving someone a decent kitchen or fixing the roof."

Woodside resident Denis Hoggarth, 48, is among those hoping for extra security.

His garage was broken into about three weeks ago and while nothing was taken, hundreds of pounds worth of damage was caused.

He said: "My garage is alarmed now, but it would help if there were more policemen.

"We have put more locks on the garages, and we are just hoping they will work."

Liberal Democrat ward councillor Eric Empson said the situation is intolerable.

"We are in the midst of a mini-crimewave," he said. "My impression is that it is a gang.

"Being right next to Ormesby Hall woods, we are an easy target, and we are pushing to get wardens into the area quickly, which might help.

A police spokesman said: "There have been a number of shed and garage burglaries in the area. One has been detected and two arrests have been made. Extra attention will be given to the area over the next few weeks.