Sir, - I hear much about the city of Ripon having moved forward. I consider it has moved backwards.

It wastes much money on beautifying the city. There are 11 new shops being built in the Arcade when 16-17 are empty. Money is wasted on reconstructing the pavements on east side of the market square. A fussy little garden has been constructed at bottom of Colsgate Hill instead of widening the road.

What is needed is the provision of very, very much more parking for coaches and cars which is an immediate priority. The city of Ripon will not get any tourism or shoppers unless more free car parking is provided. The people cannot carry large amounts of shopping without having cars in which to carry it and themselves. Parking is needed.

Great Britain should also get out of the EU before it is too late. It should have trade agreements with Brussels/Strasbourg etc only. Most British people do not want to be part of Europe in any way as exists now. The Socialists want to take the people further into Europe. Where is the promised referendum on the subject? Who got rid of the British gold reserve in the past couple of years?


Riverview Road,


Team credit

Sir, - On Tuesday evening, May 15, I officiated as referee in the under-15 football final between Northallerton Town and Darlington Spraire Lads.

I could not let this event pass without publicising what a pleasure it was to referee two teams who played with passion, plenty of skill and a level of sportsmanship the professionals have long forgotten.

Even though the result was decided by a goal in the dying seconds of full time, which meant disappointment for Northallerton, sportsmanship prevailed.

Both teams arrived at the ground immaculately turned out, one with matching club ties, white shirts and black trousers, the other matching training tops. They were accompanied by managers, trainers and parent supporters who all conducted themselves outstandingly. It was a pleasure to be there and officiate.


Exelby Croft,


Nr Bedale.

No deterrent

Sir, - Reports of disruption and intimidation which descended on Leeming Bar (D&S, May 18, and from affected individuals) raise serious concerns, but leave vital questions unanswered. What is there to prevent it happening again?

This is not a matter of prejudice. Violent and intimidating criminal behaviour should not be condoned. Neither should it be passed around from one place to another.

The problem seems to be one of national policy on law and order, or a lack of it, as the only remedy so far seems to be moving the problem on to the next victims. There seems to be no effective deterrent against such criminal menace against local people.

Is any national police division dealing with traveller criminality? If not, are North Yorkshire county and police authority campaigning for one, or for some other effective national solution? Or are they simply waiting for it to strike again?

I would be pleased to visit local people to hear their concerns and ideas for preventing a reoccurrence.


Independent candidate, Appleton Wiske division, NYCC

Welbury, Northallerton