A NEW headteacher has taken over the reigns at an east Durham comprehensive school.

Ian Mowbray, 47, has taken up the post at Shotton Hall School. He will replace John Midgley, who has been appointed head of a school in Bradford.

Mr Mowbray, hails from Sunderland, and his last post was as deputy headteacher of Washington School and Technology College.

Married with two sons he is looking forward to taking over at the Peterlee campus: "Shotton Hall School is clearly a school with great potential.

"I have been given a very warm welcome by staff, students and parents and I look forward to my time here.

"Coming from Sunderland, and being a fanatical Sunderland supporter, I find it rather lovely to be leading a school where football allegiances are torn between Hartlepool, Middlesbrough, Newcastle United and Sunderland.

"We want all the local teams to do well - we want harmony, not conflict.''

Mr Mowbray has a passionate belief in young people and their propensity to achieve great things. He hopes to see Shotton Hall School become a successful school, a very happy school and a vibrant place where the energy of its young people creates a great sense of achievement and fulfilment.