WHILE long distance riding has been badly hit by the foot-and-mouth crisis, the North Yorkshire group of the Endurance Horse and Pony Society is using the enforced lay-off to ensure even greater safety when rides resume.

The group has brought a set of four CB radios and recently held their first training day to brief members on their use.

The sets will be a big help in tracking riders round the courses, making sure help is quickly at hand if any mishaps occur.

When the group started more than a decade ago, communications were often difficult. Over time, the group has developed so that all rides are now covered by radio communications at checkpoints.

Volunteer radio enthusiasts Raynet have proved invaluable supporters, as have local CB groups willing to lend a hand.

Now the North Yorkshire group is taking a further step forward with an in-house system.

The new sets can be used to call the emergency services as well as their home base, and have proved effective over several miles, even in hilly areas.

Treasurer Mr Mike O'Dowd said: "Our top priority is safety to both horse and rider and this will enable us to have radio contact at checkpoints to monitor riders' progress round the route, enabling us to get early warning if anyone is overdue at the checkpoints."