A WOMAN was "completely out of control" when police tried to arrest her for drink-driving last month, a court heard yesterday.

Magistrates were told that 24-year-old Paula Fenwick turned on one officer as he tried to stop her running off after a short car chase through Colburn, North Yorkshire. She kicked him in the groin and stomach, then hit a female officer in the face as more officers tried to get her into a police van.

Richmond magistrates heard that her top slipped to her waist during the struggle, but she refused a blanket offered to cover herself. When interviewed later, Fenwick claimed she had little recollection of what happened.

Ken Fox, prosecuting, said she claimed she had only drunk two half pints of cider and one of lager.

However, a breath test showed she was almost double the legal drink-drive limit.

Peter Furness, defending, said Fenwick suspected someone had spiked her drinks, leading to behaviour "totally out of character". She admitted drink-driving and two counts of assault.

Fenwick, who works as a barmaid in Greece but is living temporarily with her parents at Carter Close, Colburn, was fined £500 and banned from driving for a year.

She was also ordered to pay PCs Richard Wilson and Helen Donaldson £200 each in compensation, complete 120 hours' community service and pay court costs of £70.