CONCERNS have been raised by councillors over a proposed housing development on a former hospital site.

Outline planning permission for 233 houses on the site of the former Aycliffe Hospital, School Aycliffe, has been granted by Darlington Borough Council.

Sedgefield Borough Council is being consulted on the detailed plans as a neighbouring authority.

School Aycliffe residents and members of Great Aycliffe Town Council have expressed some reservations about the proposals.

Now members of Sedgefield council's planning applications committee added their concerns about the scheme.

The only access to the site will be on to School Aycliffe Lane, which objectors say is already too busy and dangerous, and they say proposed safety measures do not go far enough.

Sedgefield council officials says inadequate traffic management and pedestrian safety devices are suggested along School Aycliffe Lane, to allay the fears of existing residents and to reduce the real dangers of additional traffic movements."

The authority strongly supports a reduction in the speed limit along the lane from 40mph to 30mph, and a right- turn lane with a pedestrian crossing and other traffic-calming measures should be provided where appropriate.

Council officers say cycleways should be provided inside and outside the site, and criticised the design and layout as disappointing.

The views of Sedgefield councillors will now be passed on to Darlington council, which will make the final decision on the plans.