BUS passengers watched in horror as a balaclava-clad youth pulled a knife on the driver and demanded cash.

But the bungled raid ended in near-farce after he was foiled by the quick-thinking driver, who pulled away and sent the youth hurtling backwards out of the open door.

Police said the youth had been trying to straighten the knife after it had buckled on the cash box at the front of the Go Northern bus, which was travelling through the hamlet of Gurney Valley to Bishop Auckland, County Durham, on Friday night.

As the knifeman stepped back towards the door the driver hit the accelerator and he fell out.

Inspector Ivan Wood said: "The bus was flagged down by a youth who pulled a balaclava over his head and got on board.

"He produced a knife and demanded money from the driver. He was agitated and waving the knife around."

Officers later arrested a male who has been questioned and released on bail while they make further inquiries.

Inspector Wood urged anyone who was in the area about 10.30pm on Friday to come forward if they saw someone acting suspiciously.

He said: "The driver was naturally very shocked but fortunately neither he nor his passengers were injured."

Anyone with information should telephone police on (01388) 603566.