PLANS to regenerate a run-down estate could finally be realised thanks to the efforts of local people.

Residents of Middlesbrough's Easterside Estate have been working with the environmental group Groundwork to devise a plan for new facilities.

They hope to establish two youth havens, a five-a-side football pitch, a skateboarding area with a junior youth haven, and a play area.

The plan was initially drawn up as part of a bid to the Anneka Challenge, run by the Daily Mail, Metro and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

The bid lost out to Edinburgh, but June Goodchild, chairwoman of the Easterside Community Council, said: "Since the Anneka Challenge, people are so interested in coming forward with ideas.

"Two companies who do similar things have said they are interested in helping us, and we hope One Voice Tees Valley will clear the land.

"Groundwork has been absolutely fantastic in doing the plan and helping us through."

Residents will have a final chance to comment on proposals at a fun day, on August 15.

Mrs Goodchild said: "This is a dream I've had for years."

Any company that can offer help in realising the plans, should contact Joy Nolan at Middlesbrough Borough Council on (01642) 245432.