A Newcastle United-mad vicar is singing hymns of praise to his favourite team.

Rev Glyn Evans is introducing alternative lyrics worshipping £15 million striker Alan Shearer and manager Bobby Robson at his services.

Shine Jesus Shine becomes Score Shearer Score and To God be the Glory becomes To Bob be the Glory.

Rev Evans, 42, of St Andrew's Church in Newcastle city centre, originally planned a one-off special for the home clash with arch rivals Sunderland on August 26.

But now he hopes to make it a season-long thing.

He told the Newcastle Evening Chronicle: "One of the parishioners who comes into the church suggested we had these Toony Tunes and we might get a few more people coming in once we start.

"It seems appropriate because St James's Park is in our parish so we're really Newcastle United's church.

"I'm sure they can hear them singing in Heaven when they sing at St James' Park because it's one of the loudest football grounds."

Rev Evans also plans to include Onwards Bobby's Soldiers Marching off to Play and All Things Black and White instead of All Things Bright and Beautiful in his services.

The shaven-headed vicar, who wears two earrings, calls his black cassock and white dog-collar his own Toon Army replica kit

Updated: 14.45 Friday, July 13