BIKERS are putting themselves and residents in danger by speeding around housing estates.

Safety campaigners are growing increasingly concerned about motorcyclists at Wood Road, Skinningrove, and on the Westfield Estate, Loftus.

Loftus Road Safety Committee is worried about the safety of the bikers and people living on the estates, and says there is also concern about noise.

PC Rachel Dick, Cleveland Police Community Officer for the area, said the force's motorbike section had been grounded during the foot-and-mouth epidemic and this was not helping to catch the tearaways.

"People are complaining on a day-to-day basis about the bikes flying around. The problem is worst in East Cleveland because it is a rural area."

Mike Hall, Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council road safety officer, said: "What seems to be happening is that they are all going up to these places on motorbikes and they are disregarding people's safety - both their own and the people around them.

"They are riding across the estates, mounting the pavements and riding along footpaths and bridleways and they are not taking any notice of anyone.

"We are trying to find out who they are. If anyone knows their names and addresses they should tell the police."

Mr Hall said he hoped to educate youngsters and in September he plans to visit East Cleveland schools to give talks and presentations about motorbike safety.

He said that some of the older bikers had made approaches about having their own field to ride in.

They had been advised to talk to local farmers about the possibility of using one of their fields but that idea is on hold until the foot-and-mouth crisis is over.

Anyone wanting to report a troublesome motorbiker should call (01642) 326326 and leave a message for the East Cleveland Community Policing Team.