Q I am unemployed without benefit and we manage on my partner's earnings of £560 a month. Are we entitled to any rebate on our rent of £200 a month and council tax of £733 a year? If so can I have it backdated for the three years I have been out of work?.

A You are missing out on about £30 a week. So over the past three years you may have lost over £3,000. Rebates can only be backdated for a year and then only if the council accepts you had a good reason for not claiming before.

QMy weekly retirement pension is £113.06 and my wife's is £21.81. My works pension is £128.19 a month and our savings are under £5,000. Can we get rebates on our rent of £45.20 a week and council tax of £613.39 a year?

ACertainly. You are paying about £35 a week too much. Also your wife's retirement pension looks too low. She should now have one based on your National Insurance contributions. Usually £43.40 a week.

QYou say all single over-60s should have a Minimum Income Guarantee of £92.15 a week. My state pension is only £79.53 a week but I have decent savings. Could I get more?

AIt depends what you call decent. Savings are ignored if they are under £6,000 and you do not qualify if they are over £12,000. In between, each £250 of savings is treated as income of £1 a week.

QI believe I will lose my Disability Living Allowance (DLA) if I move to Spain. Can I keep it if I retain a permanent address in the UK?

ADLA can be paid abroad during periods of 'temporary absence'. This is not defined in law and is decided on the basis of the person's intentions and length of stay abroad.

QI will be 60 on September 20. Will I get the Winter Fuel Payment this year?

AJust. People who are 60 or over during the week beginning September 17, qualify this time.