HUNDREDS of thousands of people are expected to converge on the North-East at the weekend to enjoy Europe's biggest free air show.

The Sunderland Air Show, which roars into life tomorrow, promises an action-packed programme, including a special coup for organisers - an appear-ance by a US Stealth fighter.

Officially known as the F-117A Nighthawk, and rarely seen outside the US, it is a first for the event.

Star performers include the world-renowned Red Arrows display team and the Blue Eagles British Army Air Corps helicopter display team, which includes debut pilots Ray Turner, of Bishop Auckland, and Terry Campbell, of North Tyneside.

The speed and drama of the RAF's frontline fighter planes will be demonstrated by the Tornado GR-1 and RAF Jaguar.

The Royal Marines Commando display team will go though its paces, including an abseil on to Seaburn beach on both days, and a joint performance with the Red Devils skydiving from 10,000ft out of a Sea King.

For those harking back to the past, the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight features a Spitfire, Hurricane and Dakota.

On the ground, there are attractions such as the Mega Mini Stunt Crew and the White Helmets motorcycle team.

Two large exhibition areas will house a Radio Newcastle roadshow, the RAF Townshow and children's entertainment.

Events on the grounds run from 10am until 6pm, and in the air from 1pm to 4pm.

Sunderland City Council event coordinator, Sue Henderson, said: "We are hoping to attract the record numbers we did last year, when a million people attended the event.

"Research showed that a total of £5 was spent per head, which represented a tremendous boost for the economy."

Meanwhile, visitors to the Sunderland Air Show will be able to pick up some crime prevention tips from Northumbria Police, who will be staffing a security exhibition at the recreation ground, on the sea front.

Police are also reminding visitors to take heed of some basic crime prevention tips - don't leave valuables in your car, keep wallets and purses securely out of site and not lying on top of handbags.

And arrange a meeting place with friends in case you get split up, they advised.