SPEEDING drivers are being urged to slow down before they maim or kill a relative or neighbour.

More than 800 residents of the east Cleveland village of Boosbeck - population 1,000 - have signed a petition calling for action to put the brake on motorists.

Councillor John Tombs, chairman of Lockwood Parish Council, said local people were among those putting their foot down.

He said: "They have to stop and think. There are obviously local people who are speeding as well as other people who are passing through the village.

"If the locals speed through and there is an accident it could be a relative, a small niece, or their next door neighbour who is hit.

"It is a very big problem and concerns residents a lot.''

He is particularly concerned by the risk to children, particularly now the summer holidays have started and a popular play area is in use.

Coun Tombs said: "You can be a perfect parent and teach your children how to cross a road, but it takes just a second to step into the road and a car can be coming at the same time.

"If there are speeds of between 50mph and 60mph, an adult, let alone a child does not stand a chance.

"This is a problem in all small villages, when you get a minority of people who do not care. The ones I have seen are quite young drivers.''

The petition is being presented to Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council leader Councillor David Walsh and highways chairwoman Councillor Sylvia Szintai.

She said: "I will make sure the petition and the demands are both presented to our highways officers and possible solutions examined. Speeding cars present a great danger on a narrow road like Boosbeck's High Street.''

Coun Tombs will present the petition to senior members of Redcar and Cleveland council next week.