Bridleway meeting. - A BHS bridleway mapping evening is being held at 7pm on Tuesday at The Crown, Grewelthorpe, near Masham. £2 entry charge.

BHS Durham. - Oct 4: Ernest Dillon FBHS, show jumping for fun or glory lecture demonstration at Stainsby Grange, Thornaby, 7pm. BHS RC and PC members £10, non-members £12. Send cheques to BHS Durham, plus sae for tickets, to Phillipa Thompson, Vale View, 10 Durham Rd, Lanchester, Co Durham DH7 0LP, tel: 01207 529297.

Darlington & District RC. - Sept 16: Hunter trial, Catterick, schedules available from Vicki, 01325 720846.

East Cleveland PC. - Sept 15: Summer show open to all at Kirkleatham showground. Schedules sae to secretary, 2 West End, Guisborough TS14 6NW.

Forest Moor RC. - Sept 9: Annual show at Wetherby racecourse. Sae for schedules from Mr R O'Halloran, Belmont Close, Forest Moor Road, Knaresborough, tel 01423 865140 or 01937 586705.

Hurworth Hunt Supporters Club. - Oct 16: Big screen hunting evening, 8pm, Blue Bell, Ingleby Cross, finger buffet and paper cap. Nov 14: Race night at Appleton Wiske village hall, including supper, 7.30 for 8pm. Further information on 01642 886023 or 01642 863808.

NEDEE. - Sept 9: Summer show, Hillcrest arena, Sunniside. Affiliated classes in-hand, ridden, WHP for native breeds, Ponies UK, NPS, NCPA qualifiers 2002, part-bred classes. Unaffiliated classes open to all, veteran, turnout, best combination, young handlers, unaffiliated WHP, clear round. Schedule, sae, secretary, NEDEE, 14 Baker Street, Houghton le Spring, Tyne & Wear DH5 8BD, 0191 377 3101. E-mail: nedee SJ for horses and ponies at Dalton Piercey, commencing 11am clear round, enquiries to 01429 273444.

Yarm & District SC. - Tomorrow: Members and guests barbecue at Michelle's from 3pm. Oct 22: Annual meeting at the Fox Covert, 8pm. Any queries contact Nicky Dare on 01642 598076.

l Check also Claiming Dates for future events on the What's On page opposite.