FORMER airmen and women will pay tribute this weekend to the pilots who saved Britain from Nazi tyranny in the Second World War.

The Durham Region of the Royal Air Forces Association will hold its annual Battle of Britain Memorial Service in Durham Cathedral on Sunday.

The service commemorates the sacrifice and heroism of the airmen who defended the country against the Luftwaffe's attempt to destroy RAF Fighter Command during the Battle of Britain in 1940.

Battle of Britain Day is on Saturday, September 15, and marks the date when the RAF's Spitfires and Hurricanes inflicted heavy losses on two massive waves of German bombers and fighters sent to attack London.

The service starts at 3.30pm and guests are asked to be seated by 3.15pm.

RAFA spokesman Marc Kay said: "There will be a parade of standards, airmen from RAF Leeming and Air Training Corps cadets on Palace Green.

"The parade will form up and the standards will be marched into the cathedral. After the service there will be a march past with the salute being taken prior to dismissal of the parade.

"Members, guests and visitors are all most welcome to attend and join in this moving and deeply significant service.''