HUNDREDS of farmers in the region have turned to a special helpline for advice in the wake of the foot-and-mouth crisis.

Over the past six months, County Durham and Darlington Helpline has helped up to 95 callers week.

The helpline, run by 12 operators from rural communities, offers advice on grants, as well as practical help and emotional support to those affected by the farming crisis.

The confidential service is funded by County Durham and Darlington Health Authority.

As well as farmers, the line has been used by people concerned they may spread the disease by visiting or walking in the countryside.

The helpline operates from 10am to 5pm and 6pm to 8pm, with a call back system operating in the early evening.

Callers can also be referred to a counsellor if they need more specialist help.

Dr John Woodhouse, director of public health, said: "Rural communities have had long-standing problems which are now compounded by financial hardships and social isolation which is increasing the pressures and stresses on our farmers and on our local business communities.

"In any stressful situation, it is important to talk to someone about the difficulties you are facing.

"The same goes for anyone affected by the foot and mouth disease crisis and their families."

The free helpline is on (0800) 0857034.