Letters from The Northern Echo


DESPITE subsequent apologies, the BBC stands shamed as a propaganda organ exposed for all to see. Any claims to being public service and impartial disappeared on the Question Time programme to discuss the truly tragic events in the US.

This was a blatant, vulgar and well-orchestrated display of Anti-Americanism. The composition of the panel and audience was so unreflective of the true emotions that we, the majority of British people are feeling at this time that it could only have come about by design.

The people of Great Britain are overwhelmingly, almost unanimously, supportive of the American nation at this time. The US has proved a steadfast, constant and willing ally and we need to display that the "special relationship" is not weakening.

The BBC is a powerful and influential voice which is now firmly in the grip of the leftist-liberal elite. To then use this power to portray minority opinion as a consensus emphasises its new role as a propaganda ministry. - D Pascoe, Hartlepool.

MY deepest sympathy, thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends who lost their loved ones in the despicable actions of terrorists in New York and Washington.

I wholeheartedly agree with many that the individuals or groups who have committed these evil acts should be identified, held accountable and punished for their actions. The punishment should be one which can be remembered for the rest of their lives, and also be a lesson for those who share similar views or hope to carry out further attacks on innocent people around the world such as this.

It does not matter which religious, political or racial groups they belong to, they are simply terrorists.

Whoever committed this act, I am sure they do not represent any Muslim country or any religious group, particularly Islam, because in my view, any true Muslim or representative of Islam cannot carry out such an evil act against thousands of innocent people. Islam does not permit people to commit suicide or to take innocent people's lives.

Islam is an Arabic word, which means peace, purity, acceptance and commitment. The religion of Islam is complete acceptance of the teachings and guidance of God. Islam is a simple, rational and practical religion, the unity of God, the prophethood of Mohammed and the concept of life after death are the basic articles of its faith. Unfortunately due to certain individuals' despicable and irresponsible behaviour, people are having the wrong impression of Islam. - Z Uddin, Chair, Bangladesh Muslim Welfare Society and Vice Chair of Redcar and Cleveland Islamic and Quranic Cultural Association.

THOSE who hint at the US getting its comeuppance should be put on the next available flight to the "free and democratically run" states of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria etc. To even hint at this atrocity being acceptable beggars belief.

Britain stood virtually alone for three hard years during the Second World War. The "few" from all services paid a heavy price in all parts of the globe to keep our land free. However, speaking as an ex-serviceman, for all our heroics, we may not have won without the Americans. They may have come late, but for every British lad who hit the beaches of Normandy, the Americans landed over five onto Juno, Omaha and Gold. Without them and our Commonwealth colleagues, we may not have had the manpower to succeed.

The next few weeks may be scary for the whole world, but with up to 500 British lives lost in New York, British servicemen may again be asked to put their lives on the line.

Ask yourself this, to be free from tyranny, would you?

Rule Britannia and God bless America. - J Tague, Bishop Auckland.

Darlington Socialist Alliance totally deplores the terrorist acts committed against innocent American people. Terrorism serves no purpose and only leads to increased militarism and human suffering.

Devastating as the events were, we should not support action by the American State which leads to the death of innocent Arab or Afghani civilians.

American military action in the past, such as the bombing of Sudan, Afghanistan and Iraq and the economic sanctions that have accompanied them, has created much suffering, bitterness, starvation and loss of life. This has contributed to the world, and the Middle-East in particular, becoming a much more dangerous place. - A Docherty, Secretary and Former Parliamentary Candidate for the Darlington Socialist Alliance.

I AGREE with the US President. It is now time to stamp on terrorism and those countries who harbour and help them.

I realise it is in the main aimed at Muslim fundamentalists. But not all terrorists are Muslims. Plenty of Christian terrorists exist or hide out in Britain and Southern Ireland.

I find it ironic that the President is going to lead in the stamping out of terrorism and yet seems unable to prevent some people in his own country funding the terrorist activities of the IRA. - R Barnes, Stapleton, Darlington.

I THINK that it is right and proper that we as a nation should align ourselves with our traditional allies, the US, against the worldwide forces of terrorism.

It is also pleasing to me to note the unity of Government and Opposition on this issue. Is it too much to hope that the 60 million or so US citizens who claim to be of Irish descent, might now reflect on the actions of some of them, in their fund-raising efforts on behalf of the IRA? - A Benn, Bedale.