BUSES will be used to drive home the message that mental health problems can affect anyone.

Throughout October, buses in Redcar and Cleveland will take part in the Department of Health's national campaign, MindOut for Mental Health.

They will carry posters saying "labels are for things, not people - mental health problems can affect anyone, don't believe the label".

Jane Reast, director of Redcar and Cleveland Mind and chairwoman of the borough's Mental Health Promotion Partnership, said: "We know that stigma is so damaging for people with mental health needs in their daily lives, at work and with friends and families.

"One in four people will experience some form of mental health problem each year and stigma prevents people seeking the help and support they need.

"It may be just talking to friends, asking for help at work, looking after yourself or talking to a GP."

Alongside the bus poster campaign, events and conferences will be held on October 9, 10 and 11. The programme will be widely distributed, and people are encouraged to attend.

They will be offered the chance to try tai chi, take part in a healthy walk and experience a reminiscence workshop, and will be encouraged to wear MindOut tags.

MPs Vera Baird and Ashok Kumar and the Tees and North East Yorkshire NHS Trust are supporting the campaign.

For more details, ring (01642) 296054.