A NUMBER of off-licences are being targeted by police in a bid to call time on under age drinking.

Police say anti-social behaviour caused by teenage tearaways is often fuelled by drink bought from off-licences - and they mean to cut off their supply.

Particular trouble blackspots are East Cleveland, Redcar, Grangetown and South Bank, near Middlesbrough.

Shop owners are being warned failure to co-operate in the crackdown on illegal sales could cost them their licences.

Police say there are around 400 off- licences in the Langbaurgh division. The number suspected of turning a blind eye to who they sell booze to is 'in the lower double figures..'

Operations manager Supt Dave Horner said: "Anti-social behaviour over the summer months has dropped by 18 per cent because of extra police patrols. But, I just cannot keep throwing police officers at the problem, so we are trying a different tack."

Police have identified the involvement of drink when speaking to youths or on calls to incidents of anti-social behaviour.

"Youths responsible for anti-social behaviour are mainly under 18 and it is the illegal consumption of drink that leads them to commit actions that bring misery and annoyance to local communities," said Supt Horner.

"Our operation is designed to cut off that illegal supply of alcohol and reduce problems on the streets. We will work in partnership with proprietors and we will provide support and guidance to staff in off licences, but we will prosecute any person found committing offences in relation to the sales of intoxicating liquor."

He added: "The majority of off-licences are complying with the law but there is a small minority who are clearly selling to adults who are passing it on to under age drinkers. There are a number throughout the police district."

All off-licences are to be monitored and any refusing to co-operate will face regular visits from uniformed officers and checks with customers to see if staff have made any attempt to ensure alcohol sales have been legal.

All youngsters stopped for any drink related incidents will be quizzed on where they got the drink.