A RUGBY team has adopted a Darlington college that only started playing the game three years ago.

The Newcastle Falcons have decided to take an interest in Carmel RC Technology College and its young rugby union players.

As part of the fostering scheme, James Isaacson from the club will be attached to the college for a year to coach the pupils.

As well as playing for Newcastle, James is an England under-21 prop and will be bringing all his expertise to the young players.

Staff and pupils at the college are delighted with the honour because the college only introduced rugby to its pupils three years ago.

Other Falcons players including Pat Lam, James Isaacson, Danny Brown and Epeli Taione have all visited the college and taken coaching sessions with the under-12s, under-13s, under-14s and under-15s.

PE teacher Simon Hannaford said: "I feel it is very important for young people to have role models who they can look up to and try to emulate.

"The Falcons players were superb and have encouraged several pupils to think about a career in rugby."