MR DAVID Curry, MP for Skipton and Ripon, has called for an emergency debate on what he describes as a crisis in nursing care in North Yorkshire.

"The suggested title of my request is no exaggeration," he said. "Within the past two weeks, and after months of argument, three nursing homes in my constituency have issued ultimatums to the county council to increase the fees paid in respect of elderly patients or remove them from the homes."

The health authority and the county council had both made extra funds available, funds for which they had no budgetary provision, he said. "The government must see sense and provide more money."

About £3m had been lost from the social services budget two years ago because of a change in the government's formulae for distribution and the county council was finding it almost impossible to find alternative accommodation in the county, said Mr Curry.

Owing to the stringent conditions now imposed on nursing homes, and the increase in wages, some homes would not be able to operate on the fees local authorities could afford.

"There are no villains, just victims in this crisis," added Mr Curry, "and the situation can only worsen. The real threat is that there are many very elderly people who are going to have to be shifted about, causing distress for them and their relatives."