A magical work of art created at a Darlington college by a Japanese artist is now open to the public.

Akinori Matsumoto has been working with art students at Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College since the start of the month.

The three-week residency is part of the Japan 2001 Festival, a nationwide event designed to create greater understanding and friendship between Japan and the UK.

The result of the residency is a massive installation in the college's Space gallery. The walk-through experience includes trees, bamboo screens, water, musical features and a pod for individual meditation.

Rita Smith, director of creative arts at the college, said everyone who had seen the work has been highly impressed by what Matsumoto had designed with the students.

She said: "It's absolutely amazing, a totally magical experience. Our arts students have been involved in building every part of it and working side by side with Matsumoto.

"It's been an excellent learning experience for them because he doesn't speak English and had to work with an interpreter, but they have gradually built this wonderful environment."

The huge work of art will be open to the public during normal college hours all next week before it is dismantled. For further details, contact the college on (01325) 461315.