THE size of a controversial proposed tennis centre has been cut - reducing the impact on a neighbouring care home.

But staff at the Woodlands Respite Care Centre, in Thief Lane, York, which looks after multiple sclerosis sufferers, are still concerned that its residents will be badly affected by the planned David Lloyd tennis centre, in Hull Road.

The joint proposal to build a tennis centre on the seven-acre site, submitted by Next Generation Clubs and York St John College, was approved in August last year.

But, after consultation, Next Generation has decided that two of the eight indoor tennis courts planned for the centre will not be needed.

Vanessa Lindsay Smith, general manager of the respite care centre, said the changes would only slightly improve the situation for her residents.

She is still worried that a proposed cycle path, due to be discussed at a meeting in December, will attract vandals.

She said: "The amendment in itself will result in the development having less of an impact, but it's very marginal. The impact is still substantial - the noise, the operation, the length of hours.