A MAN was jailed yesterday after beating his mother's former boyfriend with a bar.

Alfred Johnson, 25, also produced a flick knife and threatened Mark Cooper with a piece of wood, Teesside Crown Court heard.

Paul Newcombe, prosecuting, said Johnson had been walking down Haughton Road, Darlington, on New Year's Eve when he met and attacked Mr Cooper.

Johnson told police it was Mr Cooper who had threatened him with the bar and he had taken it from him and defended himself.

After the incident, Mr Newcombe said, Mr Cooper needed six stitches, and was involved in another violent incident, not involving the defendant.

Mr Newcombe said Mr Cooper had been in a relationship with the defendant's mother, which had ended.

Johnson, of Killinghall Street, Darlington, admitted wounding, burglary and going equipped for theft.

He said Johnson had burgled a house near East End Working Men's Club, Darlington, and stolen property worth more than £3,000.

He was arrested after being found in possession of a screw driver in the Archer Street car park in Darlington, in July.

Robin Perry, for Johnson, said he was not a violent man and had burgled the house to feed a drug habit.

Johnson was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison and ordered to serve 339 days of unexpired license.