IT WAS up, up and away for the pupils at Thornaby Village Primary School yesterday, when they released more than 200 helium-filled balloons.

The sponsored charity event was organised by Stockton PC Barry Dixon to raise money for The Children's Trust and The Royal United Kingdom Beneficent Association.

Each balloon released resulted in £2 for the charities to share. People finding them are asked to return the tag to the school.

Apart from raising money for charity, the event will become an extended geography lesson for the youngsters as they plot how far the balloons go.

The balloon release is part of a series of fundraising events PC Dixon has planned for the coming months, to collect money for the two charities.

His next event is a white water rafting course at the Tees Barrage on Sunday, November 18, when 42 volunteers, who have each raised £50 in sponsorship, will take to the river