A GOOD Samaritan who found £70 left at a cash machine and handed it in to the building society believes not enough has been done to find its owner.

Kelvin Powell, from Crook, was using the cash point at the Nationwide Building Society in Darlington, in August, when he found the money and a receipt stub from the machine.

More than two months later, he believes the building society has not made enough effort to find the rightful owner.

Mr Powell received a letter from the Nationwide's branch manager explaining the money had been kept at the branch for a week and then put into a sundries account at head office, specifically set up for such circumstances.

A spokeswoman said last night that although tracing the money through the details on the stub was possible, no such efforts had been made.

She said it was more likely that the person who had left the money would have contacted the card issuer, who would have reimbursed him or her, and then made a claim to Nationwide's head office.

Mr Powell said: "That money could well have belonged to an old person. It was £70. That could be the difference between an elderly person eating for a week or not. I'm concerned because I don't think they have done enough.