CHOCOHOLICS in Durham City are in for a yummy Yuletide treat this weekend.

Combining Belgian chocolate and Scottish whisky, Lucas Story's chocolate stall has had visitors to the town hall drooling.

Part of an exhibition hosted by Eurocrafts Northumbria, the stall has proved such a success that Lucas managed to shift much of the 75 kilos of chocolate he and his wife Ingrid brought over from their native Belgium.

A staggering 37 flavours read more like a bar menu than a chocolate stall - Baileys Irish Cream, sherry and Glenlivet vie for space beside champagne and Drambuie.

Lucas tells you the name of the filling, but he won't reveal the recipe - because he often doesn't know.

He said: "All the recipes are our own and very difficult to copy. In fact, many of them are Ingrid's and she doesn't even tell me what's in them."

It's the best of both worlds, one Belgian and the other Scottish, that combine to taste-bud tingling effect.

Lucas added: "Part of our success is down to our family roots. Ingrid's family is originally from Scotland, which is full of wonderful distilleries, and we were brought up with Belgian chocolates."

Based in Lede, a small village near Brussels, the Storys also deliver chocolates to your door.