A GROUP of young volunteers has taken just two weeks to transform a garden at County Durham's Cheshire Home.

The team of ten from the Prince's Trust first raised money and collected materials for the project at Bradbury House, in Crook.

They created a pond, a fairy garden, herb plot and a heart-shaped bed as well as planting hundreds of bulbs for a Spring display.

Materials were given by BTL Timber, in Toronto, Dan Carter and Aquatic World.

Volunteer Ian Barratt, 18, from Darlington, handed the garden over to residents and staff .

Linda Blair, the home's service manager, said: "These young people have created a garden that everybody here will enjoy."

The team, whose members come from across the North-East, is now disbanding.

They went out with a splash yesterday by swimming 35km, the distance from Dover to Calais, at Glenholme Leisure Centre, Crook, to raise money for 96.6 TFM radio's Make A Child Smile appeal which helps terminally ill youngsters and their families.

Prince's Trust leader Melisa Stephenson is recruiting a team of 15 to 18-year-olds to start in January.

She can be contacted on (01388) 665123.