TEACHERS at Wavell Community Junior School, at Catterick Garrison, in North Yorkshire, are used to having a high turnover in pupil numbers.

Only last spring, before the SAT tests were taken, two regiments left the garrison and two arrived, which meant many new faces in the school.

Fortunately, like many of the garrison schools, headteacher Colin Golightly and his staff have a good system for new pupils, which includes making initial assessments and having individual tracking records to ensure each child receives personal attention.

And their hard work is reflected in their improved league position today, from 146 to 122. In English, 83 per cent of their pupils achieved standard level four, with 69 per cent in maths and 93 per cent in science.

Mr Golightly said: "The results can be very variable but the standard and quality of teaching is always good and it is a team effort."

He said league tables did not take into account the ability level each child began with, or how they had improved.