A PERMANENT tribute to victims of terrorism was unveiled in Middlesbrough yesterday. The mayor, Councillor Pat Walker, joined Prince's Trust Volunteers to open a memorial garden in Acklam Cemetery for victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks in the US.

Planned and executed entirely by the volunteers, it comprises a bench, a paved walkway, a memorial plaque mounted on a large stone, a flowerbed and shrubs.

To fund the memorial, the group went on sponsored walks and packed bags in supermarkets.

Ben Murphy, an assistant team leader with the Prince's Trust, said: "The project has come together really well. Usually, we take a group like this out for their team challenge, but this group wanted to do something to mark the disaster. This was one of the biggest challenges undertaken by a team on a 12-week course."

Coun Walker said: "It's very important for Middlesbrough to have a permanent reminder of the events of September 11."