A CHARITY for the elderly is appealing for volunteer trustees to come forward to help shape its future.

Age Concern, in Darlington, is looking for volunteers to represent the charity on a regional and national level through regular meetings, to discuss future plans with fellow trustees.

Based in Bradbury House, Age Concern offers advice and information, social clubs, lunches and day care services for the elderly.

Peter Walshaw, chief officer for the charity in Darlington, said: "Although we are not desperate at the moment, it is still vital that we find suitable trustees who can devote their time to taking the charity forward into the future.

"There are many current trustees who have told me that they are busier now than before they retired, so anyone looking to become a volunteer must be prepared to give up quite a bit of their time."

Trustees have to step down after six years. To find out more information, contact Mr Walshaw, on (01325) 362832.