A Christmas fair will be held this weekend in Teesdale to raise money for children's cancer funds.

Staff at Thorpe Farm Peel House, at Greta Bridge, near Barnard Castle, have organised the event to raise cash for the charities Starbright and Candlelighter's, which help children's cancer funds at Newcastle Royal Infirmary and St James' Hospital, in Leeds.

On Saturday, there will be free wine, liqueur, local cheese and preserve tasting sessions, and on Sunday a craft fair.

The country deli and coffee shop is owned by Paul and Jo Barkes.

Mrs Barkes said: "Both days will have face painters and a Santa's grotto for the children, as well as free mince pies and mulled wine for the grown ups.

"There will be a charity tombola full of fantastic prizes, many donated by the suppliers and stallholders."

For more details call Jane Harper on 07753 986527, or (01830) 530013.