A HOTEL in Scarborough has turned on its floodlights to coincide with a new lighting scheme in the transformed St Nicholas Gardens.

The Mayor, Councillor Lucy Haycock, turned on the lights at the Royal Hotel, opposite the gardens which have been renovated in recent months. Included in the improvements to the garden are new paths between St Nicholas Cliff and Foreshore Road.

There are also new closed-circuit television cameras, extra security lights and fairy lights in the trees.

Leader of Scarborough Council, Councillor Eileen Bosomworth said: "I am so pleased to see these improvements.

"The project has been one of the biggest enhancement schemes in the town for years and has completely transformed the image of this part of the town centre. "

A new viewing platform off St Nicholas Street, giving views of the harbour and South Bay, has already proved popular.

Disabled visitors can also enjoy the gardens more easily thanks to a wheelchair entrance off Foreshore Road, which leads to views of the town hall and the Royal Hotel.

There are now plans to plant extra trees and shrubs in the gardens, after the removal of old and dead trees.

The council also hopes to replace the fences around the gardens with railings and to create a fountain.