CHILDREN at a Darlington infant school took a step back in time as part of the school's centenary celebrations.

Pupils at Harrowgate Hill Infant School dressed in traditional costume to reflect the era when the building opened in 1902, when they performed their Nativity play for parents and friends.

Headteacher Margaret Cunningham said: "We obviously have to celebrate this occasion and we thought it would be a nice touch if this year we would do the Nativity play in a traditional theme.

"We asked the youngsters to dress up in clothes that they thought people would have worn back in 1902."

The play is just one of the many events planned by staff in the lead-up to the special anniversary on February 3.

They want ex-pupils, staff or anyone who has been connected with the school to contact them if they would like to take part in future events to celebrate its anniversary.

Anyone interested can contact the school on (01325) 380772.