A teenager who suffered a fractured skull and vertebrae in a snowboarding accident in the Italian Alps remained in intensive care today. Jack Robertson, 14, was in a ''comfortable but stable'' condition at York District General Hospital following his flight home from Turin last night. He was induced into a 24-hour coma while in hospital in Italy amid fears he could further injure himself following the accident on a family holiday at the Sestriere ski resort.

His parents, Sandra and Steve, accompanied the youngster back to the UK and last night stayed at their son's beside.

His brother, Will, 17, previously said that Jack had fallen from his snowboard after going over a large bump on the slope.

He had then been hit by a family friend on skis who had been following and had failed to see the youngster.

Paramedics airlifted him to hospital minutes after the incident and he was treated at a hospital in Turin.