A COMMUNITY partnership is offering over-50s the chance to learn new crafts.

Thanks to support from the Back on the Map Partnership, a series of courses are being run at the East End Community Pop-in Centre, in Sunderland.

Taking place over three terms, they aim to teach a variety of crafts, using a range of materials.

Liz Ferrie, of the centre, said yesterday: "The classes, which are run by Diana Boiston, have proved very popular.

"They are very friendly, and new members are always welcome. By the end of each class, everyone has learned a new set of skills which they gradually build up over the weeks and can continue to work on in their leisure time at home."

Classes are held each Monday at the centre, from 10am to noon.

Hazel Clark, vice-chairwoman of the partnership, said: "One of the main Back on the Map objectives is to provide opportunities for the whole community, and this includes older residents who have a vital role to play."

For further information, ring 0191-565 5648.