A NORTH Yorkshire community has been paying tribute to a man of few words who nevertheless inspired many to help make the district a better place to live.

Richmond's Paddy Fleming died suddenly, aged 59, earlier this week, not long after he had been encouraging fellow members of the Swaledale Road Runners over the last few hundred yards of a Tuesday evening outing.

"He didn't race himself but it was typical of the man to help the beginners - and that is just what he was doing,'' said fellow runner Norman Bell.

"He was a guiding light and I don't know what we are going to do without him."

Running was just one of many pastimes Mr Fleming enjoyed since his early retirement from the Post Office at the age of 52.

As a folk singer of some renown, regulars at the Kings Arms in Reeth will remember appearances by his group, Beggar's Bowl, who were also planning to play a large part in a new folk festival at The Green Dragon, in Hardraw, Wensleydale, later this year.

Mr Fleming, who was born and grew up in Darlington, also contributed to town centre management in Richmond, helping to plan and execute a traffic census which would assist with policies for the future.

He was perhaps best known as a man of the countryside - as a volunteer ranger with the Yorkshire Dales National Park, a keen ornithologist, a founder of the Ragged Robin conservation volunteers group and an active member of the Swaledale Outdoor Club.

"He was a catalyst - the sort of person who was quiet but enthusiastic about the things he did and was fantastic at getting other people together to make things happen," said friend Colin Stegeman.

"Ever willing to help anyone, he would work all hours to see something through - and he always finished what he started."

A funeral service for Mr Fleming, who is survived by a wife and son, will be held at the Roman Catholic church in Newbiggin, Richmond, at 1.15pm on Friday. Cremation will follow in Darlington