A HEARING impaired group has been helping to bring stories to life for children.

Bishop Auckland Hard of Hearing Society members have been knitting fairytale figures to illustrate stories.

Sure Start Wear Valley, which seeks to give pre-school children from deprived areas the same start as others, has spent the past few months creating story sacks.

Sure Start's family co-ordinator, Jackie Staff, said: "We try to use the characters and tools to bring the stories to life. We also put a game in each bag as well, because it makes it a fun way to learn and it encourages them to play and enjoy books.

"It also brings the community together because parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and childminders can come along and read the stories."

The society is organised by social services and meets every Thursday, from 1pm to 3pm, at Cornwall Place, on the Henknowle estate.