NO Place was the place to be last weekend for anyone with a taste for real ale.

The 11th Beamish Mary Inn Beer Festival attracted drinkers from across the globe.

Customers sampling the 31 real ales on offer at the former national Pub of the Year included two hardy travellers from the outskirts of Los Angeles. A North-East exile chose the weekend of the now legendary Beamish Mary festival to travel home, with a friend, from Pasadena, California.

Landlord Graham Ford said: "He knew about the festival from reading about it on our website and so he decided to come over to coincide with the festival."

Graham said the festival seems to increase in popularity by the year. He said five of the brews were vying for the most popular beer of the festival award, judging by sales. These included the strongest ale on offer, named Blackout, from the Big Lamp brewery on Tyneside, which recently won an award at the Campaign for Real Ale's national Winter Beer Festival, in Manchester.